Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cuál es diferencia entre universidad y college en EEUU

Cul es diferencia entre universidad y college en EEUU Una de las primeras preguntas que se hacen los estudiantes internacionales o los migrantes recià ©n llegados y que quieren estudiar una carrera universitaria en Estados Unidos  es cul es la diferencia entre una universidad y un college. La respuesta es que es muy pequeà ±a, pero la hay. En muchas ocasiones, incluso los estadounidenses utilizan los tà ©rminos de universidad y de college como si fueran lo mismo, ya que la diferencia es pequeà ±a y se explica a continuacià ³n. Quiz para los estudiantes recià ©n llegados o que planean estudiar en Estados Unidos es ms importante saber quà © es un community college y quà © son carreras profesionales en Estados Unidos. Quà © se entiende por un college en Estados Unidos Es una institucià ³n educativa superior, generalmente dedicada casi exclusivamente  a estudios de licenciatura. Los estudiantes tras completar crà ©ditos generalmente en cuatro aà ±os reciben su licenciatura en B.A. (Bachelors of Arts) o en un B.S. (Bachelors of Science). Quà © son los liberal arts colleges en Estados Unidos Un tipo especial dentro de los colleges es el  conocido como liberal arts colleges. Son instituciones privadas con pocos estudiantes, generalmente menos de cinco mil, e incluso menos. Se caracterizan porque la mayorà ­a de sus estudiantes estudian a tiempo completo materias relacionadas con las artes liberales, como inglà ©s, literatura, sociologà ­a, historia, etc. Adems, la mayorà ­a de los profesores se dedican casi en exclusividad a la enseà ±anza y no tanto a la investigacià ³n y a la publicacià ³n de sus trabajos. Los liberal arts colleges, tambià ©n conocidos como baccalaureate colleges, son famosos por tener una fuerte vida comunitaria. En la actualidad, segà ºn un ranking elaborado por la prestigiosa revista U.S. News and World Report, los cinco mejores liberal arts colleges de los Estados Unidos son los siguientes: Williams College, MassachusettsAmherst College, MassachusettsBowdoin College, MaineSwarthmore College, PensilvaniaEl exclusivamente femenino Wellesley College, Massachusetts, y Middlebury College, Vermont, empatados en quinta posicià ³n. Las posiciones suelen variar poco de aà ±o a aà ±o. Todos los liberal arts colleges incluidos en la lista cobran matrà ­culas superiores a los $50.000 por semestre y tienen, en total, menos de 2.000 estudiantes. A quà © se le llaman universidad en Estados Unidos Es una institucià ³n educativa superior donde se ofrecen estudios de licenciatura –B.A y B.S.–, maestrà ­as, doctorados –Ph.D.–, adems de estudios profesionales. Pueden ser gigantescas y pà ºblicas o privadas. Como entre los estudiantes internacionales de origen latinoamericano es frecuente estudiar ingenierà ­a es recomienda conocer cules son  10 mejores universidades.   Para los estudiantes brillantes, tanto de Estados Unidos como extranjeros, se recomienda solicitar ingreso en al menos una universidad  Ivy League, si bien tener siempre en cuenta que hay universidades muy prestigiosas y de excelente nivel acadà ©mico que no estn incluidas en esta calificacià ³n, que tiene un origen histà ³rico concreto. Entre las universidades de excelente consideracià ³n econà ³mica y que no son Ivy League destacan: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)Stanford UniversityCarnegie MellonUniversity of California, BerkeleyUniversity of Texas, AustinGeorgia Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Illinois, Urbana ChampaignUniversity of Michigan, Ann ArborUniversity of ChicagoDukeJohns Hopkins Algunas de ellas, como por ejemplo Berkeley, Austin Urbana Champaign y Ann Arbor son universidades pà ºblicas. Quà © es un community college o colegio comunitario Son instituciones de educacià ³n superior tambià ©n conocidos como junior o technical colleges. Los estudiantes se dedican a obtener certificados o diplomas profesionales o, al cabo de crà ©ditos que generalmente se consiguen en dos aà ±os, a obtener un grado de asociado (Associate ´s degree o A.S. por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Es muy comà ºn que despuà ©s de sacar un A.S. los estudiantes realicen  un transfer a un college y, tras otros dos aà ±os de estudios, se licencien con un B.A. o un B.S. Sin embargo, no todos los colleges y universidades admiten esta posibilidad. Los community colleges ofrecen grandes ventajas tanto para estudiantes americanos o inmigrantes como para los internacionales. Uno de los que ms destaca es el costo. En esta base de datos puede  verificarse  cunto cuesta estudiar en  ms de 1,000 Community Colleges  en todo el paà ­s y tambià ©n puntuacià ³n del TOEFL, los que lo piden ya que en muchos no es requisito. Quà © son los professional colleges En Estados Unidos carreras como Derecho o Medicina se estudian en universidades profesionales despuà ©s de haber obtenido un B.A. o un B.S. Es decir, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en la mayorà ­a de nuestros paà ­ses no son una licenciatura que se puede estudiar directamente al finalizar la high school (lo que se conoce en algunos paà ­ses hispanoparlantes como bachillerato, liceo o prepa). Sino que es necesario licenciarse y luego aplicar y ser admitido en un professional college. Es muy importante planificar con tiempo, incluso con varios aà ±os de anticipacià ³n, principalmente cuando se desea solicitar el ingreso a Medicina, ya que es un proceso largo y complicado. Tips para los futuros estudiantes universitarios Aplicar para ingresar a una universidad o college es un proceso complejo y largo. Estas son las ocho piezas necesarias para tener una aplicacià ³n completa. Para los estudiantes no habituados al sistema anglosajà ³n, esos requisitos pueden resultar confusos y puede dar lugar a que por ignorancia no se preparen convenientemente. Consejos para estudiantes internacionales en colleges y universidades de EE.UU. Los estudiantes internacionales necesitan una visa para poder estudiar en EEUU. Para obtenerla se requiere que previamente hayan sido admitidos por una institucià ³n acadà ©mica. Para ello necesitarn haber demostrado conocimientos de inglà ©s, generalmente tomando el examen que se conoce como TOEFL y obtener un buen puntaje.   Obviamente, dentro de esas categorà ­as no se encuentran ni los migrantes que cuentan con una tarjeta de residencia permanente ni tampoco los inmigrantes indocumentados. En cuanto a las visas, informarse sobre la visa F-3 para el caso de mexicanos  o canadienses que viven en la zona fronteriza e ingresar a Estados Unidos a estudiar pero mantienen su residencia en Mà ©xico o Canad. Asimismo, para obtener una visa de estudiante internacional es neceario  probar que tienen recursos econà ³micos suficientes, bien propios o de los padres o bien porque han obtenido una beca relevante. Tener presente que las universidades tambià ©n destinan dinero a becas de mà ©rito o deportivas. De hecho, 13 de à ©lite siguen la polà ­tica de need-blind tambià ©n para estudiantes internacionales lo que significa becas totales (o casi). Por à ºltimo, dentro del largo proceso que supone aplicar a varias universidades o colleges, ser admitido y solicitar la visa, es posible que se necesite  validar los estudios realizados  fuera de Estados Unidos. Es fundamental seguir las instrucciones de cada institucià ³n acadà ©mica sobre quà © empresa puede hacer la convalidacià ³n. Otras visas disponibles para los estudiantes internacionales En ocasiones, lo à ºnico que se desea es practicar el inglà ©s y pasar unos meses en Estados Unidos o se desea estudiar un aà ±o acadà ©mico de high school. Para estos casos, adems de las visas F-1 puede resultar conveniente informarse sobre los programas incluidos dentro de la visa J-1 de intercambio, ya que  pueden ser una muy buena opcià ³n, por ejemplo: Visas para trabajar y viajar en verano para estudiantes universitarios de otros paà ­ses.Visas para monitor en campamentos de verano. Las opciones son variadas y tanto si se opta por una visa J-1 como por una F-1 de estudiante lo ideal es que se adapte a las necesidades y deseos del estudiante. Conservar la visa como estudiante internacional Una vez que se tiene la visa se debe hacer todo lo posible para evitar caer en comportamientos que pueden ponerla en riesgo de cancelacià ³n. Algunas actividades, como el consumo de marihuana, puede no ser visto como algo grave por los estudiantes, pero lo cierto es que desde el punto de vista migratorio puede ocasionar un gran dolor de cabeza. Tener en cuenta que hay estados en los que es legal el consumo de marihuana, sin embargo, las leyes federales la consideran una sustancia prohibida. Las leyes que aplican a los estudiantes internacionales son las federales por lo que deberà ­an abstenerse de incumplir la ley. Finalmente, a la hora de tener relaciones consentidas con un menor de edad hay que tener en cuenta las leyes de edad de consentimiento sexual en cada estado ya que su incumplimiento puede tener consecuencias serias. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Biography of Dido Elizabeth Belle, English Aristocrat

Biography of Dido Elizabeth Belle, English Aristocrat Dido Elizabeth Belle (c. 1761–July 1804) was a British aristocrat of mixed heritage. She was born into slavery in the British West Indies, the daughter of an African slave and British military officer Sir John Lindsay. In 1765, Lindsay moved with Belle to England, where she lived with royals and eventually became a wealthy heiress; her life was the subject of the 2013 film Belle. Fast Facts: Dido Elizabeth Belle Known For: Belle was a mixed-race English aristocrat who was born into slavery and died a wealthy heiress.Born: c. 1761 in the British West IndiesParents: Sir John Lindsay and Maria BelleDied: July 1804 in London, EnglandSpouse: John Davinier (m.  1793)Children: John, Charles, William Early Life Dido Elizabeth Belle was born in the British West Indies around 1761. Her father Sir John Lindsay was a British nobleman and navy captain, and her mother Maria Belle was an African woman that Lindsay is thought to have found on a Spanish ship in the Caribbean (little else is known about her). Her parents were not married. Dido was named after her mother, her great-uncle’s first wife, Elizabeth, and for Dido the Queen of Carthage. â€Å"Dido† was the name of a popular 18th-century play, William Murray, a descendant of Dido’s great-uncle, later said. â€Å"It was probably chosen to suggest her elevated status,† he said. â€Å"It says: ‘This girl is precious, treat her with respect.’† A New Beginning At about the age of 6, Dido parted ways with her mother and was sent to live with her great-uncle William Murray, Earl of Mansfield, and his wife in England. The couple was childless and already raising another great-niece, Lady Elizabeth Murray, whose mother had died. It’s unknown how Dido felt about the separation from her mother, but the split resulted in the mixed-race child being raised as an aristocrat rather than a  slave (she did, however, remain the property of Lord Mansfield). Dido grew up at Kenwood, a royal estate outside of London, and was allowed to receive a royal education. She even served as the earl’s legal secretary, assisting him with his correspondence (an unusual responsibility for a woman at the time). Misan Sagay, who wrote the screenplay for the film â€Å"Belle,† said that the earl appeared to treat Dido nearly equally to her completely European cousin. The family purchased the same luxurious items for Dido that they did for Elizabeth. Quite often if they were buying, say, silk bed hangings, they were buying for two, Sagay said. She believes that the earl and Dido were very close, as he wrote about her with affection in his diaries. Friends of the family- including Thomas Hutchinson, the governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay- also noted the close relationship between Dido and the earl. Scottish philosopher James Beattie noted her intelligence, describing Dido as a negro girl about 10 years old, who had been six years in England, and not only spoke with the articulation and accent of a native, but repeated some pieces of poetry, with a degree of elegance, which would have been admired in any English child of her years. Life at Kenwood A 1779 painting of Dido and her cousin Elizabeth- which now hangs in Scotland’s Scone Palace- shows that Dido’s skin color did not give her inferior status at Kenwood. In the painting, both she and her cousin are dressed in finery. Also, Dido is not positioned in a submissive pose, as blacks typically were in paintings during that time period. This portrait- the work of Scottish painter David Martin- is largely responsible for generating public interest in Dido over the years, as is the notion, which remains in dispute, that she influenced her uncle, who served as Lord Chief Justice, to make legal decisions that led to slavery in England being abolished. The one indication that Dido’s skin color did result in her being treated differently at Kenwood is that she was forbidden to take part in formal dinners with her family members. Instead, she had to join them after such meals concluded. Francis Hutchinson, an American visitor to Kenwood, described this phenomenon in a letter. A black came in after dinner and sat with the ladies and, after coffee, walked with the company in the gardens, one of the young ladies having her arm within the other,† Hutchinson wrote. â€Å"He [the earl] calls her Dido, which I suppose is all the name she has.† Inheritance Although Dido was slighted during meals, William Murray cared enough about her to want her to live autonomously after his death. He left her a large inheritance and granted Dido her freedom when he died at the age of 88 in 1793. Death After her great-uncle’s death, Dido married Frenchman John Davinier  and bore him three sons. She died in July 1804 at age 43. Dido was buried in the cemetery at St. Georges Fields, Westminster. Legacy Much of Didos unusual life remains a mystery. It was David Martins portrait of her and her cousin Elizabeth that initially stirred so much interest in her. The painting inspired the 2013 film Belle, a speculative work about the aristocrats unique life. Other works about Dido include the plays Let Justice Be Done and An African Cargo; the musical Fern Meets Dido; and the novels Family Likeness and Belle: The True Story of Dido Belle. The absence of recorded information about Didos life has made her an enigmatic figure and the source of endless speculation. Some historians believe she may have influenced her uncle in making his historic anti-slavery rulings as Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. Sources Bindman, David, et al. The Image of the Black in Western Art. Belknap Press, 2014.Jeffries, Stuart. â€Å"Dido Belle: the Artworld Enigma Who Inspired a Movie.† The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 27 May 2014.Poser, Norman S. Lord Mansfield: Justice in the Age of Reason. McGill-Queens University Press, 2015.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Self Analysis Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Self Analysis - Personal Statement Example I just wanted to experience the culture of the United States. I had been fascinated by American movies since I was a kid and something just clicked. And thanks to the strong Japanese Yen (not good for our exporters, but good for me); I had more than enough funds. So I spent the next year applying to colleges and planning for the next few years in the United States. The big day finally arrived; I took from the Tokyo Airport and landed in Los Angeles Airport. I was very excited. I had meticulously planned everything, my first visit to the United States was nothing like I expected. It was extremely exciting. My housing was already arranged. It was a house, off campus and I had three room mates, one from California, one from Singapore and one from India. It was a most interesting combination and it seemed we had a little U.N. going. My room mates were very helpful. Naresh from India was pursuing his Masters in Engineering; Li Kwon from Singapore was also doing his Phd in Biotechnology. And Chris Adams from San Diego was a fifth year senior pursuing his degree in liberal Arts. I had already arranged for a purchase and pick up of a car before I left from Tokyo. Chris dropped me of at the dealership. Though I had an international driver's license1, I decided against driving the car out of the dealership that day. I took some driving lessons for a week and got accustomed to driving on the opposite side. Having such a varied group of room mates also was a learning experience and various perspectives. I had taken a few cultural orientation classes in Tokyo before coming here, and there was some preparation given to us to expect a few people in the U.S. (a very small minority of people.) who could be xenophobic or racist. It did stick in my mind; however I could not find these xenophobic racist people at the classes I enrolled for and even at the cafeteria where I joined to work a few hours a week. After the first week I wondered if such people existed or if they were relics of a bygone area. I asked my room mates. Naresh said that most people he met held Indians in high regard. One time someone did yell at him out of a driving car when he was trying to cross the road calling him a "camel jockey" which was slightly misplaced racism as that is a derogatory term for Arabs. Lee Kwon said, he definitely did not encounter any. Chris who was a Caucasian said, generally African Americans encountered a lot of racism, but most of it was overt and not too blatant. It was of course illegal to discriminate on race at work or school. But Chris said an over proportionate percent of the African American Population would be arrested or sent to Prison.2 "There is a long and bitter history between blacks and whites in this country" he said. "Perhaps like between us and the Chinese or us and the Koreans". Both Nar esh and Chris almost exclaimed at the same time, how can you tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese and a Korean. I was taken slightly aback. I told them that the difference between Japanese and Chinese was like between Night and Day. Chinese tended to have smaller features, while the Japanese had a much redder tinge; the Chinese had more of a yellowish tinge. However one day as I was walking in the park, an older gentleman walked by me and just said "go back jap" I was shocked , this gentleman must have been in his eighties, he lived a couple of blocks down

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Market Failures in Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Market Failures in Microeconomics - Essay Example This is basically the study of interaction between the individual buyers and the sellers and the factors that cause them to make their buying or selling decisions. In an ideal world an equilibrium is achieved in the market, meaning only the amount of goods demanded is being supplied while fully utilizing all the available resources and the whole society benefits. It must be realized that in the real world a "perfect economy" never exists. Recognizing the truth that is not a perfect world, let's examine a few factors which usually end up disturbing the market equilibrium henceforth causing a market failure. A market failure is any condition in which the quantity of goods/services demanded by the consumer is not equal to the quantity supplied by the suppliers. This quantity can be less or more than the market demand. A few such factors which can cause a market failure are agents gaining market power, externalities and sometimes a market failure is caused due to the nature of goods/serv ices or their nature of exchange. These are the main three factors which break the equilibrium and cause a market failure. What does "an agent gaining market power" mean to an individual This term simply refers to the some individuals or firms having certain advantages over the others, which is the basis for the market equilibrium to break and therefore causing a market failure. ... ies such as selective price cutting, buyouts, and massive advertising to block entry and competition from even the most innovative new firms and existing rivals. Moreover, rent-seeking dominant firms have been known to persuade government to give them tax breaks, subsidies, and tariff protection that strengthens their market powers" (Brue, McConnell and R.R 256). For instance a firm maybe able to price their goods in such a way so that it is beneficial to them but hurting the competition. From the individuals' point of view, certain groups which require occupational licensing (such as doctors, pilots etc.) are favored. Only the licensed group can obtain high income levels, therefore these groups end up with the advantage of gaining market power, referring to buying power. The basic principle of any perfect society is equality. When a buyer or a seller disturbs the equality principle by gaining market power, this breaks the equilibrium and henceforth causes a market failure. Certain o utcomes, such as monopoly, can be very harmful to the consumers. If a firm is able to price their product in a such a way that benefits them, this can literally cause the competition to be driven out of business. Once there is no competition left, the firm is free to overcharge, harming the consumers. This situation can be prevented through government policies and regulations. One such example of prevention is The Competition Act of 1998 in UK, which prevents any anti-competition agreements between businesses. An other factors that can contribute to a market failure are externalities. An externality of an economic transaction is an impact on a participant that is not directly engaged in the transaction. In such circumstances, costs do not reflect the full value or gains in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Mathematics and English Sentences Essay Example for Free

Mathematics and English Sentences Essay The order of operations was developed years ago. Someone just decided on an order in which operations should be performed. It has nothing to do with magic or logic. Some one decided to adopt a way, and it has been followed through out history. It makes communication easier. Punctuation marks are used in any language to make clear what we want to say. Punctuation marks are just as important in number sentences as they are in English sentences. Without being told by a symbol or some other means, we do not know whether to do the multiplication or the addition first. To avoid the confusion of such an expression naming two different numbers, let us use parentheses to indicate which operation is to be first. When part of a number sentence is enclosed within parentheses, think of that as naming one number. It is commonly agreed that when more than one operation, or all of the operations, are indicated in the same expression, we multiply and divide first, then add and subtract going from left to right. Just as punctuation marks are used to make sentences, the order of operations are used to make math sense. Whenever the order of operation is not indicated by grouping symbols, there is a standard order of operations to be followed. That order is Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction from left to right. In mathematics, more than in some other forms of written expression, ambiguity must be eliminated. Otherwise, different people may assign different meanings to the same symbols, and communication is faulty. Ambiguity is eliminated using grouping symbols and the order of operations rule.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Web Page Analysis Essay -- Web Design Analysis Essays Papers

Web Page Analysis While browsing the enormous variety of sites and home pages on the World Wide Web, it is difficult to compare and contrast items that do not have anything in common. How can we say the "Wall Street Journal page" is better than "Joe's Page of Craziness?" Therefore the first step in critiquing web pages is by determining their purpose. The goal of a web page can vary from presenting factual information such as the "CIA Page," or displaying one's own computer generated art. Hence, the only way to judge a page is by examining what it tries to accomplish, and how it achieves its goal. Once the objective of the page is established, three simple criteria can be used to determine its "net worth" (pun not intended...hehehe). First of all, one must ask "Does it complete its goal?" Does it present the information about SPAM accurately, or does it successfully present original artworks? Second, "How effective is its presentation?" This criteria can be divided into two parts first, how well written the textual parts describe the subject, and second, how the graphical parts are used to support the topic. The main areas of graphical representation would be the use of a background, the use of color to emphasize important points, and the use of images to decorate and support the main topic. A good web page should include background on the author and descriptions of the purpose. In addition, the page should be organized in a logical manner in which anyone would be able to find their information quickly and easily. Finally, one must determine how much effort and time was invest ed in developing the page. Obviously, a UT student's home page can not compare in complexity or size to the "Silicon Graphics page." Thus, by estimat... qualifies as a good site due to its success at accomplishing its objective, and the great amount of work done in shaping his web site. However, with the exception of the title headers, the site is visually unappealing. With a little work, and a little artistic talent, the graphics could be used more functionally in supporting his key ideas and links. In general, the site is above average, but has potential to rank among the top web sites on the net. Works Cited Alfred Hitchcock - The Master of Suspense --> This site describes the work, background, and trivial information about Alfred Hitchcock. The graphics are deficient, but the information was interesting. There are many pages dealing with the movies he's made, and many pages dealing with fun trivia, such as cameo or famous quotes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How does Act One prepare the audience of Macbeth for the remainder of the play? Essay

William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a play rich in imagery with vivid words and phrases that conjure up emotionally charged mental pictures. The way in which William Shakespeare uses contrasting scenes, especially in Act One only makes these images more vibrant. The many soliloquies in Act One illustrate the ways in which Macbeth’s mind is tormented, however, it is also these soliloquies that make the audience feel sympathetic toward Macbeth and therefore make the play more tragic when Macbeth’s character flaws. This emotional hold towards the protagonist created in Act One, makes Macbeth one of William Shakespeare’s most popular plays not only to modern audiences but also to the 17th century audience. The First Scene prepares the audience for the rest of the play as it shows the witches or the weird sisters in an evil light; this thought is amplified by the use of thunder and lightning. The language that the weird sisters use also readies the audience for the remainder of the play. The weird sisters speak in riddles and prophesise future events. For example they predict that they will meet again â€Å"When the hurly-burly’s done, When the battle is lost, and won†. For a 17th century audience, where people believed it possible to summon the devil with such riddles, the apprehension that the audience already posses will amplify thus creating an anxious atmosphere within the playhouse. Nevertheless this prophecy gives the audience an insight into the remainder of the play and adds suspense as the witches use mysterious and menacing words, thus enticing the audience to continue watching. At the end of the scene the weird sisters chant ambiguous words such as â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair† this again gives the audience the impression that possible strange and supernatural events are to come, therefore further drawing them into the play. The quote also infers that later on in the play it will be hard to distinguish between good and bad or, alternatively â€Å"fair† and â€Å"foul†. Shakespeare would have been aware that the reigning monarch at the time of the plays release, James I had a strange fascination with supernatural events and witches, even participating in the infamous Pendal Witch Trial. By pleasing the monarch in this way it would have helped William Shakespeare’s promotion of the play, therefore helping to popularise it. Another prediction that the witches make is in Act One, Scene Three where they predict great things for Macbeth; â€Å"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor† â€Å"All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter† This prediction is very important for the foundations of the play, as it prepares the audience for murder and scandal and makes the audience more knowledgeable about what’s to come, than some of the characters. It is this dramatic irony that allows the audience to be able to make predictions about subsequent Scenes. The portrayal of the protagonist Macbeth at the start of the First Act is one of a heroic, valiant servant to King Duncan. The Captain describes him as â€Å"For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name†. This rather glowing report gives the audience the impression that Macbeth is a loyal servant to the King, however the irony is that by the end of the Act he is plotting to commit regicide against Duncan. This contrast in character between courageousness and treachery makes the play gripping and exiting. The very first line that Macbeth says is â€Å"So foul a fair a day I have not seen† these words seem to echo the chants of the weird sisters in the first scene. This seems to indicate that even having not met each other the witches have a supernatural influence on Macbeth, maybe in his mind and it shows that the weird sisters and Macbeth resemble each other, even at this early stage in the play. The words also hint that conflict and insecurity exist in his mind even though he has just won a great battle. This gives the audience a view into Macbeth’s early thought processes, and this consequently readies them for the reminder of the play. When talking about killing the King, Macbeth uses less brutal euphemisms such as â€Å"the deed†, â€Å"this blow† and â€Å"my intent† this infers that Macbeth is not all evil and he wants to think as little about the proposed murder of Duncan as possible. This gives the audience the impression that he is not going to be the main villain in the play and suggest that there will be an external influence that pushes him to carry out the murder, as observed by Aristotle in which he lists the ingredients for a tragedy. However the end of Act One prepares the audience for evil things to originate through Macbeth, as in Scene Seven he struggles with his conscience. Evidently bad things do come through Macbeth in the lat er Acts, in fact in Act Three he says; â€Å"I am in blood stepp’d in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This tells us that Macbeth has done many terrible deeds and that if he were to go back and right his wrongs it would be as tedious as to go forward and carry on the tyranny. Thus his only option is to go forward to try and claim more glory. This terrible quandary that Macbeth finds himself in could be a bit of early political propaganda that William Shakespeare has slipped into the play to satisfy James I. The purpose of this subtly placed propaganda was to put-off any people who were scheming to commit regicide, at a time where there were many plots to kill the king; non-more famous than Guy Fawkes’ â€Å"Gunpowder Plot†. In the play when Macbeth does kill Duncan unnatural events follow, such as Duncan’s horses eating each other. Ross recalls the event and says that the horses â€Å"Turned wild in nature† and â€Å"flung out†. This indicates to audiences that killing the King will provoke God to inflict unnatural events upon the earth, therefore inferring that Kings do have a divine right, a view that was firmly believed by James the First. Lady Macbeth is portrayed as a scheming villain who is behind Macbeth’s murder of the King. The first thing that Macbeth’s â€Å"dearest partner of greatness† says is all about how to cause the downfall of Duncan for Macbeth’s and her own personal gain. She is portrayed as rather a manly figure who has an overpowering role over Macbeth. An example of Lady Macbeth’s male instincts is seen in Act One Scene Five when she calls on the sprits to â€Å"unsex† her and make he become more manly to assist her plan for Duncan’s murder. â€Å"†¦.unsex me here And fill me from the crown of the toe topful Of dearest cruelty; make thick my blood† This quote suggests to the audience that Lady Macbeth will be an evil unremorseful and ruthless character throughout the entire play; however ironically later in the text she becomes more conscious of her actions and Macbeth has more control over here. When her conscience returns she hallucinates and believes that she has blood on her hands. This is a massive contrast to what she told Macbeth when he was clearing the blood from his hands after Duncan’s murder; â€Å"A little water clears us of this deed†. This contrast suggests that she is regretting her earlier actions and is indeed being tormented by them. In the First Act King Duncan is perceived as a gentle, ideal king. For example when talking of Cawdor’s treachery his words are full of personal regret and he has no malice in them. His language is also full of gratitude for the service Macbeth and Banquo have performed. However ironically because he is so fond of Macbeth he rather naively does not see his murder coming and he is easily fooled by Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s welcoming looks and flattery. To back up this point an example of flattery towards the King is when Lady Macbeth repeatedly refers to him as â€Å"Your majesty† which reinforces the idea of loyalty towards the King. The use of language by Lady Macbeth gives the audience the impression that she has a mischievous and cunning mind hence setting then up for later Acts. To conclude, at the start of Act One William Shakespeare cleverly misleads the audience into believing that the characters have sound morals, but as the play progresses we see this to be a faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade. The plot becomes exiting for the audience as there earlier assumptions are proved incorrect in later acts. Also William Shakespeare’s use of juxtaposing scenes, which contrast with each other, often ironically prepares the audience for unexpected and surprising events in the play. The themes of greed, power and conspiracy found in Act One of Macbeth prove to be as relevant for a modern audience as they were for a 17th century one. They have the effect of an audience questioning the limits they would go to, to fulfil there own desires. However by the end of the play these questions should have been answered.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ghosts and Supernatural with close reference to ‘The Woman in Black’ and ‘Violet Car’ Essay

Ghost stories are all about death and dying. They help us to understand what happens after we die. They try to build up people’s fear of death and dying. They use people’s fear to build up suspense. Sometimes the author of the book will use the characters in the book to keep the reader wondering, grieving people sometime imagine things and the author can use this to keep the reader interested in the book. The reader would be wondering if it is the imagination of the character or a real ghost. Often ghost stories are based on someone’s premature or violent death. Some stories can use this to add more fear, because it could be an ordinary person that gets killed. Sometimes the author writes as if it had happened to them, this could help the reader to believe the story more. The ‘Violet Car’ is about the violent death of a young girl. The man that had killed Mr. Eldridge’s daughter was driving though the village in his violet car. He pulled up to Mr. Eldridge, and asked him for directions to Hexham. It was a foggy day, and Mr. Eldridge didn’t like the driver so he told him that it was straight on, and the driver drove straight of the edge of a cliff. Mr. Eldridge was haunted with the pictures of the car driving off the cliff and everyday he saw it. The only way that he could stop the visions was to stop the car from driving off the edge of the cliff. Mr. Eldridge stood on the corner of the road to stop the car as it came round the corner, it hit Mr. Eldridge and knocked him to the ground. The cause of death was heart failure, but he was really killed by the same car that had killed his daughter. ‘The Woman in Black’ is about a ghost that haunts Eel Marsh House, an isolated house with a very dark secret. There is a ghost of a young woman that lost her son on the marshes near Eel Marsh House, which haunts the house. Mr. Drablow, the previous owner, died and Arthur Kipps is sent to sort out every thing in the house and make sure all the legal documents are correct. The ghost is of a woman called Jennet Humfrye, who had a son but was not allowed to keep him so she gave him up to Alice Drablow. Jennet came to see here son all the time and one day the child had been out in the town and come back on a horse and cart, but it had gone off the tracks and into the marsh. Arthur hears noises on the marsh of people dying, drowning in the mud of the marshes. Every time the ghost is seen a baby dies, but when no child died they thought that the curse of the old house had ended, but Arthur’s child and wife die in an accident and the woman in black was left to haunt Crythin Gifford. The books are similar in many aspects, they are both written in the first person. Writing in first person is a common practice by Authors to make the reader believe the story more. ‘The Woman in Black’ is written as if you are Arthur and the ‘Violet Car’ is written from the point of view of the nurse. They are similar because they both try and achieve the same thing, just using different techniques. Susan Hill keeps the readers attention by using short sharp sentences, whereas Edith Nesbit uses lots of descriptions to keep the attention of the reader. ‘The Woman in Black’ uses lots of very good descriptive words; they are very good for working up the suspense even more. ‘The Woman in Black’ and ‘Violet Car’ are both based on grief, ‘The Woman in Black’ is the grief of Jennet, the ‘Violet Car’ is about Mr. Eldridge and the grief he had because he sent the car off the edge of the cliff. In ‘The Woman in Black’ Susan Hill make an eerie atmosphere by using short onomatopoeic sentences such as, â€Å"Bump. Bump. Pause. Bump. Bump. Pause. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump† This kind of sentence helps to build up anticipation and anxiety. It is like you want to find out what is going to happen next but are too scared to find out. She does not use cliffhangers at the end of a chapter; however she does use them at the end of some paragraphs. The ‘Violet Car’ is a very different book in that respect, Edith Nesbit writes in a different way to Susan Hill. E. Nesbit didn’t write in short sentences; instead she told the story in a way that made you want to continue reading. Both the stories are traditional well told ghost stories that use different techniques to get the same result. They are both interesting and exciting and the kind of story that you don’t want to put down because it is so full of suspense. I think that ‘The Woman in Black’ is a better ghost story because a lot more happens in it and it has a more complex plot to the ‘Violet Car’, however ‘The Woman in Black’ is a book whereas the ‘Violet Car’ is a short story. ‘The Woman in Black’ was described has ‘Heartstoppingly chilling’ and I agree with this.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Drinking age debate Essays

Drinking age debate Essays Drinking age debate Paper Drinking age debate Paper How Old is Old Enough? Drinking Age 11/11/2011 How old is old enough to have an alcoholic beverage? Iris Cummings The legal drinking age is a topic that has come up for, and will continue to come up for, many years. The main question that needs to be answered is what is it that determines when a person is able to drink. Should we continue to base the drinking level on age or should we look at other characteristics. Those enrolled in the military have special benefits when it comes to drinking. In the year of 2011, the legal drinking age in the United States for all non-military people is 21 years of age. There is research for both sides of the spectrum. Some believe that the age should be lowered from 21, while others believe 21 is the perfect age. Then there are the people who say that the drinking age should be taken even higher than 21 . Some want the drinking age to be as high as 25. Will lowering the drinking age stop teens from binge drinking? If we take the drinking age higher, will it simply cause rebellion in the teen world? Many feel as though the law of 21 before drinking saves 1,000 deaths per year. The numbers of teens killed in alcohol related accidents have ropped somewhere from 11-16 percent since the 21 law have been implemented. Taking on higher drinking ages allows for a low intoxication level. For instance, in Georgia, where 21 is the legal drinking age, the blood alcohol level to be considered intoxicated is sitting at 0. 08 percent. In places such as New Hampshire, where Arizona is the legal drinking age, blood alcohol content level is listed as high as 0. 15 (Carter). These levels start to become dangerous when one realizes that one drink can cause a persons blood alcohol content to be 0. 2. If teen blows even 0. 1 into a breathalyzer, it is a crime of underage drinking. The punishment of underage drinking includes a large fine and even Jail time (Ash). It is taken very seriously in order to encourage teens to not even take that one sip betore they are ot age. It we were to lower the drinking age below 21, there is research that shows binge drinking in teens will rise to an alarmingly high rate within a single year. It would also lead to a negative impact on the cognitive development among our countrys youth. The brain is not fully developed during a persons teen years. Drinking too early could cause a permanent slowness in the rate of brain development and would be reflected in the education realm. Underage consumption of alcohol could cause handicaps that affect the consumer for years to come. A host of research formulated in a news paper by Andy Lewis, the ERLCs research editor, shows that lowering age restrictions for alcohol consumption would not reverse negative trends but enhance them, a fallout for youth and society that would only snowball. Among his findings, Lewis found that a lowered legal drinking age Would result in drinking at ven younger ages, increased cases of drunken driving, more vehicular accidents, and higher levels binge drinking, especially among teenagers. (Bond) Many cases of binge drinking come from college students between the ages of 18 and 20 years old. Lewis thinks that lowering the drinking age would encourage even younger age groups to incur binge drinking. He believes that teens as young as 13 years old will be involved in the peer pressure to drink. This could cause more alcohol related accidents because it involves drinking large amounts of alcohol very quickly. A 13- ear-old does not have a fully developed frontal lobe and even without alcohol will make some decisions that are not in ones best interest. The influence of alcohol working against an underdeveloped mind and underdeveloped motor skills it leads to disaster. There will always be an age implemented in the law for drinking, but some feel as though the law does not apply to them. How is it that 18-year-olds get alcohol when they are not even old enough to walk into a liquor store? Those who use their ID to obtain alcohol for younger individuals are breaking the law. The adopted slogan is Its your ID, you use it. There are cases where parents allow their children and other peoples children to drink at their expense. They argue that what goes on in the walls of their own house is their business and that it stays within the walls. They feel like the children are not in harms way because they are in the house and are being watched. What these parents apparently fail to realize is that Just because it goes on in the walls of their house does not all of a sudden make the law disappear. It is still illegal and is a serious charge against them if taken to court. Ash, P. , and Levy, D. T. The Minimum Legal Drinking Age and Traffic Fatalities. Rockville, MD: NIAAA, 1986. Print. Bond, J. , and Jones, B. Raising the Legal Drinking Age. Columbia, SC: SC Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 1983. Print. Carter, R. A. Legal Drinking Age. Albany, NY: Legislative and Governmental Services: 1983. Print. Bibliography Legal Drinking Age. Albany, NY Legislative and ernmental Services: 1 Powers, Rod. U. S. Military: Military Drinking Age. (http://usmilitary. about. com/library/ polls/blmildrinkingage. htm)web. Oct. 14 2011

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

15 Big Little Words

15 Big Little Words 15 Big Little Words 15 Big Little Words By Mark Nichol Sometimes, short and sweet is best, and English includes many three-letter words that help us accommodate our yearning for concise composition or, to be brief, fix our yen for curt prose. Some are workhorse words the article the, the pronouns his and her, conjunctions like and, prepositions such as for, verbs like put and say. However, other three-letter words pack a lot of punch as nouns, adjectives, and verbs (sometimes adaptable to all three forms of speech), and are suitable for purposes as diverse as fitting into a tight headline or packing a punch in prose. Here’s a list of vivid vocabulary consisting of three letters: 1. Apt: appropriate, or suited or inclined 2. Ire: anger 3. Ken: something known or understood, or to know or recognize 4. Wee: small 5. Vex: to distress, irritate, agitate, or puzzle 6. Eke: to accomplish with great effort (also used to mean â€Å"increase† or â€Å"also†) 7. Cog: a tooth on a gear, or, in a figurative sense, a person as an insignificant part of an enterprise; a similar projection on a piece of wood for interconnecting with another piece; also, flattering, or throwing dice unfairly (also used to mean â€Å"to cheat or deceive,† as well as referring to a medieval sailing vessel) 8. Cwm: a valley or hollow 9. Err: to make a mistake, or to transgress 10. Ere: before 11. Gig: a short-term job 12. Yen: a yearning or urge for something 13. Bar: a beam or rod or other manufactured device or natural feature, or a counter for serving drinks or a commercial enterprise for this purpose, but also a verb meaning â€Å"to obstruct or prevent† or in reference to an exception (â€Å"barring that†) 14. Jet: a powerful stream of material, a jetlike emanation, or an airplane that uses jet propulsion, but also a very dark black, a type of glossy coal often used as jewelry 15. Ram: a male sheep, or a tool used for forcing movement or for breaking through a door or other structure, or a part of a vehicle or vessel designed to damage other vehicles or vessels; to use a tool or similar device Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?Top 11 Writing Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad)Epidemic vs. Pandemic vs. Endemic

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ethical Issues in nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical Issues in nursing - Essay Example The level to which the DNP nurses meet the moral act of social responsibility is similarly the level to which this feature of the DNP will be moral or not. One significant ethical issue is justice as fairness. This moral principle of fairness means giving individuals what they are owed or due. Concerning the DNP and this moral principle of justice as fairness, issues relating to this arise when there is prejudicial dissemination of limited resources. The second one is do no harm. This moral principle comprises of protecting individuals from harm, offering benefits for them, and not harming them. Issues occur when there is lack of sufficient data to merit the DNP programs (Peirce & Smith, 2008). Task 2 The issue of justice as fairness can be compared to the act of prioritizing one patient over another. This is when nurses tend to select specific patients based on the simplicity of their cases or how they are related to the patient. Secondly, the do no harm issue can be compared to the issues of not offering good services to the patients and not caring about how they are getting on with medication. This shows the nurse lacks passion in what he or she is doing, and this may harm the patient as he or she may feel neglected (Ulrich et al., 2010). This norm is foundational to how the nurses have to act and think when endorsing important alterations in nursing like the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) that has an impact not only to the nurses but also to the larger society.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Carrefour in Indonesia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Carrefour in Indonesia - Essay Example Carrefour, with it’s headquarter in Levallois-Perret, Paris, France, is a chain of retail business, having more than 12,500 outlets, serving 100 million customers over 30 countries worldwide. Carrefour was created by Marcel Fournier and Denis Defforey on 3rd June 1959 when they opened the first Carrefour (means crossroads in French) retail outlet at the convergence of five roads in Annecy, near Paris. Over the past 40 years, Carrefour has grown into the largest retail group in Europe and China and second in the world in terms of revenue and sales figures after Wal-Mart. It has built a reputation as a retailer that offers the most variety and freshness at reasonable low prices rather than bargain – basement value. It is currently operating in four main grocery store formats: hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience and hard discount stores (Current News: Indonesia-Opening of the 35th Hypermarket, 2007). In 2000, Carrefour, Sears and Oracle created the first worldwide onli ne marketplace called GlobalNetXchange for retailers connecting 50,000 suppliers, partners and distributors (Duran, 2005, pp.1-5). Carrefour was the first international retailer to establish its presence in Asia in 1989, when it entered in Taiwan through a joint venture with Uni President Enterprises Corporation. Gradually, Carrefour extended its distribution network in thirteen Asian countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Hong-Kong, Korea, Singapore and Japan. and Japan. The retail giant, Carrefour, entered in Indonesian retail market in October, 1998 when it opened its first retail unit in Cempaka Putih, a sub-district of Central Jakarta (Duran, 2005, pp.1-5). Carrefour entrance in Indonesian retail market involved a number of factors. The following few section briefly discusses the factors which resulted Carrefour operation. It also highlights the progress made by it since 1989. Important Factors Involved in Carrefour Operation in Indonesia Following are few important factors that had played major role in setting up of Carrefour operation in Indonesian retail market. 1. The liberalization of retail trading: Indonesia offers a good market potential for modern retailers. In March, 1998, the Indonesian government issued the SK Meninvest/No. 29/SK/1998 and Keppres No.99/1998 policy letters and effectively opened its wholesale and large-scale retail trade to foreign investment, lifting most of its restrictions. Although some retail sectors were reserved for small-scale enterprises under another 1998 decree yet large and medium scale enterprises that wish to invest in these sectors, were given the option to enter the market through a partnership agreement with a small-scale enterprise, although this may not require a joint venture or partial share ownership arrangement. Since Carrefour already had its presence in Asian market hence it took the liberalization step as an advantage started to expand its retail network by setting first retail outlet in Cempaka Putih a subdistrict of Central Jakarta (Indonesia, 2005, pp. 73-76). 2. Carrefour Strategy and Indonesian Potential Market: Carrefour follows very specific strategy before entering a new market. It assesses few parameters of target market before launching its operation. In doing so, it follows a few criteria including: - Small-scale retail rationalization and reorganization has not progressed. - Large-scale chain supermarkets are absent from the market. - Potential competitors that carry specialty items like household electrical appliances and clothing are absent from the market. - Large amounts of retail space can be attained at low cost. - Laws and regulations governing large-scale retail operations are "developer friendly". Carrefour followed the same market entering strategy and made all assessment